Boris Gelfand vs. Ding Liren
Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:53PM
Dennis Monokroussos in Boris Gelfand, Ding Liren

Boris Gelfand and Ding Liren are playing a 4-game match in  Wenzhou, China. Game one finished in a draw earlier today; Gelfand had the white pieces in a Bayonet KID and seemed to have some initiative early on. Some minor slips let Black escape and even enjoy the better half of an ending with rooks and opposite-colored bishops. Ding really pushed Gelfand hard and came closer to winning than I thought he would in such an ending. After a long defense Gelfand finally saved the draw. Game 2 is tomorrow.

Incidentally, I didn't find the Chinese website above particularly easy to navigate, even after using Google's translator, so you might just make your life easier (unless you read Chinese, of course!) and go here or here.

Article originally appeared on The Chess Mind (
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