Olympiad, Round 3: And Then There Were 14
Friday, September 24, 2010 at 2:05AM
Dennis Monokroussos in Olympics 2010

Actually, there's still around 170, but only 14 teams still have perfect scores after three rounds. Here are the pairings for those teams for round 4:

1. Russia 2 - India

2. Hungary - China

3. Armenia - Russia 3

4. Netherlands - Spain

5. Russia 1 - USA

6. Georgia - Norway

7. Estonia - Vietnam


About that Russia - USA matchup, here - so I've been told - is what Hikaru Nakamura posted on his Facebook page:

"Huge, huge match today. US-RUSSIA!! Time to crush Kramnik like a bug and get revenge for my homeboy Yan Teplitsky!"

We shall see! Nakamura will have Black, so if it'll be all the more impressive if he can live up to his boast.

Article originally appeared on The Chess Mind (http://www.thechessmind.net/).
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