US Championship: Round 6 Underway
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 3:04PM
Dennis Monokroussos in US Championship 2010

Your pairings are:

Onischuk (4) - Kamsky (4)

Nakamura (3.5) - Kraai (3.5)

Stripunsky (3.5) - Shulman (3.5)

Akobian (3) - Yermolinsky (3)

Christiansen (3) - Krush (3)

Shabalov (2.5) - Kaidanov (2.5)

Finegold (2.5) - Benjamin (2.5)

Robson (2) - Ehlvest (2)

Altounian (1.5) - Hess (2)

Lenderman (1.5) - Kudrin (1.5)

Bhat (1.5) - Shankland (1.5)

Gurevich (1) - Khachyian (1.5)


This is the next to last round of the preliminaries, so those are on the bubble need to make their moves now.

Join me on the Playchess server at 3:30 p.m. St. Louis time/4:30 p.m. ET/10:30 p.m. CET for my live commentary - hope to see you there! (Directions here.)

Article originally appeared on The Chess Mind (
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